The Model Office Blog

Finovate Europe 2017, Innovation, Creativity and RegTech

[fa icon="calendar"] Feb 9, 2017 11:58:37 AM / by Chris Davies


We launched our RegTech platform Model Office - MO yesterday at Finovate Europe and enjoyed the experience of, what is becoming, the world largest and most dynamic FinTech conference. It was great to be involved with so much innovation and a snapshot of the diversity on show is below: 

Backbase showing how artificial intelligence and PSD2 can turn a mobile app into a smart virtual assistant.

CREALOGIX predictive banking in virtual reality technology that transcends complex interfaces to provide a user experience that accommodates emotion, creativity, and logic when it comes to making financial decisions.

Dorsum chatbot factory and bot-boarding platform that creates chatbots that combine human-like, natural language communication with traditional customer data collection and profiling.

eToro worldwide social trading network of more than five million members that makes the trading and investing environment more social, more enjoyable, and more transparent.

Memento Bank-to-Social Relationship platform and next generation mobile money app that helps banks deepen engagement with current customers and better attract and acquire new customers, as well.

SaleMove Engagement Platform that enables FIs and other companies to communicate with online visitors via chat and dual-cursor guided co-browsing, as well as video and voice.

Tink independent, consumer PFM app that brings together aggregation, account information, and payment initiation services to provide a truly PSD2-compliant, virtual bank experience.

Model Office-MO remiss of us not to mention our launch, this is a first of its kind RegTech and business development platform that uses gamification to allow firms to benchmark their regulatory and professional development all in one place. You can view our platform by clicking the icon below:

Please click the below logo link to the platform and learn more about MO today..

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Topics: Benchmark, compliance, client centric, Financial regulation, Financial business development, fintech, Human resource development, client engagement, regtech, Risk management, Soft compliance, practice management, FCA, Roboadvice, Finovate

Chris Davies

Written by Chris Davies

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